
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Windows Transformation Pack to Transform Windows 7 in iOS

"Windows Transformation Pack" has the great 
ability to transform the appearance of the current system into desirable OS, like now we can easily convert Windows 7 into iPhone (iOS) appearance.

This is the simple transformation pack or skin pack which will change the overall view of the current operating system (Win7) including the login screen, boot screen, desktop, icons, etc into Apple's iOS device. This package can also edit all the wallpapers, visual items, etc. Steps are given to transform Windows Seven into Apple's iOS (skin pack)
Windows Transformation Pack to Transform Win7 into Apple's iOS

Apple's iOS is of course the hot operating system but indeed all can't afford this type of system but now you can easily do so with this iOS skin pack.

Features Of Windows 7 Transformation :
  • Get the fresh look of Apple's iOS
  • Transforms Boot Screen, Login Screen, etc
  • Even changes the icons and images as well as Explorer to iOS ones
  • Changes the start menu and appearance
  • Easy all-in-one installation pack
  • Easy one click transform
  • And much more
How to install iOS in Windows 7 :
  • Create backup and restore point of the system 
  • Disable User Account Control and other system process
  • Download Windows Transformation Pack and run the setup file and start installation
  • Now select quick installation
  • You can also select the custom installation if you want modified look
  • After the installation completes you need to restart the computer 
  • Get a fresh Apple's iOS appearance

Note : Installing this package includes the third party GUI application to give the fresh look.

Windows Transformation Pack Download

Now, we got much information about the package and its time to download windows transformation packand enjoy the apple's system interference
  • Download online installer with auto fix bugs: (recommended)
    x86 (64bit): [link]
    x64 (32bit): [link]

    Download offline installer:
    X64 (64bit)>> [link]
    X86 (32bit)>> [link]

    Windows 7 , Windows 7 SP1 , Windows Server 2008 R2 , Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 - [X64 (64Bit)] - [All Language]

    Note : Skin Packs installer have easy and safe install option , Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new version. Before install disable user account controller and close all runnig program , after finish restart your system.
So friends, I hope you enjoyed this article and pack and if you have any problem or want to share your own views about this Win Transformation 


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